Fence Work Contractors in Dubai
We are fence work contractors in dubai and other emirates in UAE. A fence is a structure that encloses an area, typically outdoors, and is usually constructed from posts that are connected by boards, wire, rails or netting. A fence differs from a wall in not having a solid foundation along its whole length. Fence work is must important for construction area as it is important to protect your site, and to provide safe environment for your employees and the public.
You make the right decision for next project. We provide fence work in a range of heights and constructions to suit properties of every size. Our main goal is to provide the most suitable solution to your needs, delivering a package that meet your occupational health and safety requirements and keeps your property protected. Whether for a residential renovation, commercial or industrial construction and for event crowd control. we can provide a cost-effective solution that suits the requirements of the site.
Where We Use Fence Works?
- Explosive factories and quarry stores
- Open-air areas that charge an entry fee
- Airfields and airports
- Fixed machinery with dangerous mobile parts (for example at merry go rounds on entertainment parks)
- Zoos and wildlife parks
- Most industrial plants
- Military areas
- Construction sites
- Pastures containing male breeding animals, notably bulls and stallion.
- Prisons
- Amusement equipment which may pose danger for passers-by
- Swimming pools and spas
What are the types of fence work we do in Dubai?
Chain Link Fencing
A chain-link fence is a type of woven fence usually made from galvanized or LLDPE-coated steel wire. The wires run vertically and are bent into a zig-zag pattern so that each “zig” hooks with the wire immediately on one side and each “zag” with the wire immediately on the other. Chain link fences provides basic functions of a fence quite well. Homeowners, as well as school administrators (very popular), will be delighted to know that they are cheap, durable and need very low maintenance.
Aluminum Fencing
Aluminum fence is very best option for the fence work. Aluminum fences are known to have the strength of wrought iron fences despite being a lighter weight fence material. They’re more effective than iron fencing, but they are built for long last. It won’t effect the weather much, the wind can’t move it and pests can’t eat it, so there’s no need for re-fencing after a decade. Quality aluminum fencing is manufactured with a protective powder coating, making this metal fencing virtually indestructible. It cannot rust or corrode no matter how much rain or flooding there is on your property. One of the most basic and attractive fencing types is aluminum fencing. it’s relatively maintenance free and can essentially look like any other type of fence. The only maintenance will come during installation when you choose to paint and decorate it. However, along with the security, it’s not as strong as you may think.
Wrought Iron Fencing
When you see homes with funky designs on top of their fences, oftentimes, those homeowners chose a wrought iron fence. While wrought iron fences are both strong and beautiful, they do require constant upkeep. If you want to maintain its beauty, wrought iron fences need to be sanded or repainted every two to three years.
Furthermore, going back to the security portion of the conversation, wrought iron fences are not popular choices for the more conservative homeowner. On top of that, wrought iron fences are custom made and therefore, will not be cheap.
Farm fencing
No matter what fencing type you go with, beware that installation is expensive and timely. Given the amount of land farmers own, you can imagine the manpower it takes to put up an entire fence.
Why to choose us?
We are fence work contractors in dubai and other emirates in UAE, served many clients of all types of fence work and ensure the quality, maintenance with affordable services. We pride ourselves on being a versatile fence work contractor in dubai, we are providing fence work to meet every need and sit within every budget. So, if you are looking for fence work contractor in Dubai, Contact us at +971528078039 or email us on info@foursqrllc.com today for a no commitment free quotation. We also give you a space to visit or send you a quote via email. Our team will be available for 24/7 to cover all your needs.